What is Keto Diet

What is keto diet

The word Keto is the short form of Ketogenic. Ketogenic or Keto diet is a diet that consists of low carbohydrates and more fats and proteins. Physicians introduced it in 1920 for patients with epilepsy. Actually, patients of this medical condition had to fast to bring their metabolism back to normal, which caused immense weight loss and nutrient deficiencies. To avoid this, the keto diet was founded as an alternative. This diet aims to make the body use fats and proteins for fuel instead of carbs. This health condition is called Ketosis. The Ketogenic diet is similar to the Atkins diet as it contains low carbohydrates. 

Benefits of Ketogenic Diet

After telling you what is the keto diet, here is a summary of its benefits. There are several benefits of the Keto diet, among which some are medically proven and some not. 

Controlling Seizures

However, This diet has assisted a lot in controlling seizures in patients with epilepsy. That is the reason it has been prescribed to epileptic people by doctors since the 1920s.

Treating Acne

As a Ketogenic diet has fewer carbs, it helps in reducing acne. Also, insulin levels are lowered in your body when you are on a Keto diet, so acne breakouts are stopped.         

Prevention from Heart Diseases

Fats promote good cholesterol and lower harmful cholesterol levels, which is a plus point for your heart. Therefore, The Keto diet has been considered effective for preventing hypertension, heart failure, atherosclerosis, arteriosclerosis, and other cardiac conditions. But there is no idea till when this protection lasts. 

Weight Loss

When you eat a small number of carbs and utilize fats for energy, you lose weight. This is because more calories are burnt for using fat for energy than using carbohydrates as energy. This weight loss can also be due to eating less because high fat and protein foods satisfy you more. 

Treating Nervous Disorders

Although it is not scientifically proven, besides epilepsy, the Keto diet is also helpful in preventing Alzheimer’s disease, sleep disorders, and Parkinson’s disease. One reason can be ketones that are produced when fat is burnt for energy. Ketone protects brain cells from damage. 

Risk Factors of Ketogenic Diet

Let’s figure out what are the risks involved with the consumption of the Keto diet:

  • As carbon intake is limited to 50 grams every 24 hours, your body may not accept it initially. You may encounter some symptoms of flu that include dizziness, dehydration, fatigue, and nausea.
  • There is an increased risk of kidney stones.
  • A ketogenic diet can cause nutrient deficiencies in your body.
  • As fiber is restricted, your digestive tract gets disturbed and causes constipation. 

Final Verdict

You must have learned now what the keto diet is. It is advisable not to use this diet. Without consulting a doctor. If your doctor allows you to rely on the Keto diet. You should not plan it yourself. However, Take an appointment with a Dietitian and ask them to plan your diet. A dietitian will decide the diet so that you get all nutrients required by the body essentially.

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